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Need Help Getting Motivated?

Being more motivated and goal-oriented can help you be happier and more fulfilled. This blog has some general tips and thought starters that can help you along your way. 1. Identify goals First up, identify your goal and be as specific as possible. Do you want to get fitter, lose weight and do better at your sport? Do you want to feel healthy, and look great? Do you want to earn more money for a holiday or a house or a new car? Think about why you want to achieve this goal and picture the end result. Be as detailed and specific as you can about it. For example, when you are fit, will you enjoy increased stamina and strength? Picture in your mind what it will be like to drive the new car, or live in the new house. 2. Visualize your goals Use visualization as a goal-setting technique. Use your imagination to get a sense of how you might feel once you have achieved your goal. Words like confident, excited, special, accomplished, recognised might come mind. Take some time to imagine how if might feel. Whenever you sense that your goals are further away or more detached, repeat this exercise to build some more motivation and connection with your goal. 3. Make a contract with yourself Write your goal and vision down. We know that when we write things down and crystallise a plan on paper, goals turn into successful results. When you commit your goals to paper and you are able to look at them daily, you'll remain focused on the desired outcome, particularly if it's a goal that will take time to achieve. No matter what you're striving for there will be challenges along the way. Writing down your goal and keeping it in sight will keep you moving toward it. 4. Break it down into baby steps Take your goal and break it down into smaller, more tangible steps. Take the whole project and make it more realistic by being systematic. Use a brainstorming technique to write down and list all of the little things that will keep you moving forward toward your goal.

  • If you are going to the gym and doing strength training, then set a goal of what to achieve and take small steps each session toward that goal.

  • If losing weight is a goal and 10 kilograms is that target amount to lose and keep off, set a program and measure achievement of smaller targets.

  • If you want to save for a overseas holiday and need an extra $10,000, think about how much you can put aside per month toward that goal. Are you able to begin by putting money away each week from what you already make? Will you need to get an extra job? Jot down all of the ideas.

5. Action Planning Look at the goals and activities you have written down and create a plan of action. Figure out what must be done and accomplished each day to work toward your goal. What type of work out will you do?

  • Strength training? Aerobic workout? Cardio classes? Cross-fit training?

Where will the extra money come from ?

  • Spending less? Second job? Overtime? Out of your current pay-check when you receive it?

  • All of the above?

Map out the plan and set it in motion. Reflect on your plan daily. Give yourself some positive feedback for your accomplishments, and adjust as needed. 6. Create an environment that encourages success ‘It is not the mountain that we conquer, but ourselves’. Sir Edmund Hillary. When working toward a challenging goal, all champions create an environment that is encouraging. Every challenging journey has its setbacks. Surround yourself with supportive people and environments. Be deliberate about staying positive and in the process, counter those negative thoughts. Stay positive and intent on your goal. As Hillary put it, ‘Almost anything has its moments where you have to overcome considerable challenges, and if you're able to overcome those challenges, you feel a great sense of satisfaction.’ When you have a setback, recognise it for what it is and stay focused. Your journey is as important as reaching your goal. 7. Stay resilient Understand and think about your resilience and what makes you hold up to pressure. Laugh in the face of setbacks and when you have some success, celebrate it! Take the time to stop and recognise the small steps you have accomplished. When you have a baby step behind you, do something kind for yourself. 8. Take accountability and responsibility for your goal Take responsibility for achieving your goal. Recognise and accept that you are the only one who can get you where you want to be. Remember: You can do it, and as you take your goals seriously, so will those around you. 9. Accept support with friends and family There is no need for you to do it all on your own. The support from friends and family could be emotional or practical support. Remember to keep an open mind to accepting that support. 10. Be disciplined Stay in control of your schedule and find the resources and determination that will help you.

  1. Plan ahead and think of the related things that might impact you achieving your goal.

  2. Schedule appointments with yourself.

  3. Be ready to say ‘no’ when someone asks for some of your time or resources that are less important than your goal.

  4. Tackle the challenging things or the things that you are putting off as soon as you can. One idea is to do them first thing in the day, rather than ‘stressing’ about it through the day.

  5. Connect with people who have a similar goal. Join support groups in your community or online. Find peers.

  6. Ask for family support.

  7. Express your desire for help if you need it. Start seeing asking for help as a sign of strength.


  1. ‘Motivation. The Organisation of Action’ Mook D.G.1987

  2. ‘Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life - How DBT can put you in control’. - Scott E. Spradlin 2003.

  3. ‘Psychologists' Desk Reference’ - Gerald P. Koocher, John C. Norcross, Sam S. Hill

  4. ‘FYI - For your improvement. A guide for development & coaching’. Lombardo & Eichinger

  5. ‘Sir Edmund Hillary – A life in quotes’ The NZ Herald – Jas 12, 2008


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