Executive Assessment
Psychometric Assessment is playing a more important role in providing emotional, intellectual, social and leadership insights into candidates than ever before. In a changing landscape, different emotional demands on our people and challenging, dynamic environments, it is more important than ever to get a three dimensional understanding of your people.
ICP Assessment adds depth, insights and objectivity that interviews alone cannot provide.
Executive Assessment
Understanding your Leaders
Ensuring your highest level of leadership is aligned to organisational values, have high emotional intelligence, vision and the intellect to meet the demands of the job is integral.
ICP works with organisations to provide a suite of options available during your hiring process:
Selection & Development Reports
Short List Traffic Light Reports
Professional Assessment
Understanding your Managers
Building a cohesive and functioning team is crucial to the success of any organisation. When hiring or developing your staff, do you understand their professional strengths and weaknesses? How best to communicate, coach and onboard? We have three options that can provide different levels of insights:
Selection & Development Reports
Short List Traffic Light Reports
Cognitive Assessment
Learn More About Our Assessment Suite
Personality Type & EQ
Understanding Emotions & Behaviours
Do you know your candidate or employee has the skills and talent, but you want a deeper level of insight? Do you want to know how they cope under stress, build relationships, work remotely or adapt to change? Understanding emotional intelligence is now more valuable than ever. We provide:
Personality Type (DISC, MyersBriggs) Reports
Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i2.0) Reports
Combined MBTI + EQi Reports
Selection Report
Traffic Light Report
Cognitive Reports
Personality Type & EQ
This more comprehensive level of assessment provides a thorough insight into the candidate, with a detailed interview enabling insight into de-railers, strengths and weaknesses of the individual.
Cognitive tests provide supporting data on specific problem-solving abilities, whilst personality questionnaire adds additional texture to the personality type.
These reports can be used for selection/recruitment decisions as well as a development tool for individuals within an organisation.
Fast, agile and affordable reports for easy decision making.
On-line assessment for the final two or three candidates on the shortlist - featuring a personality questionnaire and three cognitive tests.
Provides the hiring manager with a Red, Yellow, Green ‘Traffic Light’ report with good assessment data on those candidates to furnish a decision.
Fast turnaround available and provides an easy digestable report flagging any red areas for concern, yellow watch-outs, or green positive traits.
Three online, timed problem solving tests.
Abstract reasoning measures lateral thinking skills or fluid intelligence, which is our ability to quickly identify patterns, logical rules and trends in new data, integrate this information, and apply it to solve problems.
Verbal reasoning measures logic, understanding and reasoning when information is framed in words.
Numerical reasoning measures ability to analyse and make judgments based more on numerically presented data.
The detailed personality questionnaire reports on a number of facets under five domains of personality; emotional stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness.
The EQ-I uses five broad scores of EI, (self-perception, self-expression, interpersonal, decision-making, stress-management) to measure emotional performance and emotional & social functioning.
Based on 20 years of research and well founded and trusted models of leadership and EI, this profile can help describe a leaders’ emotional landscape.
Incorporate Psychology Psychometric Assessment is not about complicating the hiring process. We provide another confidential layer of psychological insights into a candidate that an interview, or screening conversation alone cannot provide. With over thirty years' experience in psychometric assessment, our team has worked with dozens of leading recruitment companies and also directly with organisations across Australia to help strengthen their decision making.